Most Commonly Used Fitness Equipment

Athletes need various fitness equipment for a perfect fitness workout. A lot of the equipment at gyms can be seen to function with this consciousness. Knowing the most commonly used fitness equipment and the benefits of these equipment forms the basis of choosing the right gym and a professional workout. Do you know what fitness equipment you may need for the lower and upper body? Let’s take a look at all the fitness equipment and features you might need for a professional fitness journey.

14 Ekim 2024 9 min.
Most Commonly Used Fitness Equipment

What are the Most Commonly Used Fitness Equipment?

The importance of the equipment that should be in gyms grows along with the daily interest in sports. The opened facilities include various equipment to provide quality service to their athletes. Basic fitness equipment that should be found in every gym, as well as numerous professional fitness equipment designed to enhance athletes’ performance, are available. Among the most commonly found fitness equipment are:

  • Leg Press Machine
  • Treadmill
  • Rowing machine
  • Cycling
  • Seated Chest Press
  • Pectoral Fly
  • Soulder Press Machine
  • Deltoid Raise Machine
  • Seated Row Machine
  • Smith Machine Decline Press
  • Smith Machine Incline Press
  • Biceps Curl Machine
  • Triceps Press Machine
  • Crunch Machine
  • Seated Leg Curl Machine
  • Lying Leg Curl Machine
  • Leg Extension Machine
What are the Most Commonly Used Fitness Equipment?

While equipment such as treadmills and cycles are used in cardio training, other equipment such as shoulder press machine, deltoid raise machine or crunch machine are used in bodybuilding training. The equipment mentioned above is the most commonly used equipment, and it is possible to see different devices or machines in addition to these equipment in gyms.

There are tools available that can track your progress and provide guidance on your training program. Besides, products that will enable you to stay in touch during sports and wearable technological equipment used to increase your comfort during exercise are among the other equipment available in sports centers. There are commonly used fitness equipment to provide exercises aimed at strengthening, such as cardio training, strength training or free weight training.

What are the Benefits of Fitness Equipment Collection and How Many Classes are Included?

Professional fitness equipment in gyms is divided into 3 classes. These are:

  •  Cardio group: equipment such as treadmill, rowing, cycle
  •  Bodybuilding machines
  •  Free weights and functional areas

Athletes can benefit from fitness equipment in different classes depending on the training they need. Each piece of fitness equipment has its own benefits. For example, professional treadmills, which are used to be seen in every gym, have many different benefits than providing cardio training for an athlete. During a workout on the treadmill, the metabolic process is initiated, supporting the functioning of the abdominal muscles, regulating blood pressure and increasing lung capacity, thus supporting good and quality breathing[1]. Professional treadmills can be found in large numbers, depending on the size of the gym.

What are the Benefits of Fitness Equipment Collection

Professional exercise bikes, which are another equipment in the cardio group class, contribute to increasing sports motivation, reducing the risk of high blood pressure and getting rid of stress[2]. Other advantages of professional exercise bikes are that they are safer to use compared to other cardio equipment and offer the opportunity to customize according to the person’s capacity.

There are different fitness equipment for the upper body and lower body in the bodybuilding machines and free weight areas.

What are the Fitness Equipment Used for the Upper Body?

Athletes that want to bodybuild or strengthen their regions will require different equipment. Depending on the size and level of professionalism of the gym, access to upper body workout equipment may differ. The following equipment can be listed among the basic bodybuilding tools used for the upper body:

  • Seated Chest Press: It is one of the most frequently used devices in upper body training. It is designed to exercise the chest part. Athletes can adjust the starting point and desired weight levels with its special aerodynamic design.
  • Pectoral Fly: In this equipment, the exercise is performed by sitting in the device’s own area. The design of the device, with its arms parallel to the ground and open, allows athletes to resist weights and perform strengthening exercises by closing these arms.
  • Shoulder Press Machine: This equipment is used in shoulder exercises to develop shoulder muscles. Its ease of application makes it one of the most preferred equipment. The device, also called shoulder press machine, consists of 3 parts and is effective in developing all shoulder muscles.
  • Deltoid Raise Machine: This equipment, used for middle shoulder exercise, allows the use of the shoulder joints in both arms. It supports the work of the middle shoulder area from a position perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the ground.
What are the Fitness Equipment Used for the Upper Body?
  • Seated Row Machine: This equipment, which supports the parallel pulling movement of the weight determined by adjustable weights, enables back exercise. With accessories such as the V-bar, single grip handle, rope, and wide bar, individuals can determine their ideal workout routines.
  • Smith Machine Decline Press: This device, which provides lower chest exercise, allows you to easily load. Decline press can be used on a bench press. You will need an assistant to do the decline barbell bench press if there is no Simitch machine.
  • Smith Machine Incline Press: Used for upper chest exercises, the incline press is a device recommended for beginners and people with balance problems. The exercise can be done under safe conditions thanks to the safety locks on the machine. Training is performed on the bench press.
  • Biceps Curl Machine: It is an equipment used to exercise the biceps brachii muscle at maximum distance. You will use only your forearms to enable your forearms to work after immobilizing your upper arms by leaning them on the pads of the machine.
  • Triceps Press Machine: It is a device used for rear arm exercises. After you rest your elbows on the pads of the machine and immobilize them, you can exercise your back arms.
  • Crunch Machine: This device is used to bring the lower and upper body closer together. The aim is to work the abdominal muscles during this movement. The development of abdominal muscles is supported by the adjustable weight plates of the machine in addition to the body’s own weight.

What are the Fitness Equipment Used for the Lower Body?

There are also fitness equipment used to work and strengthen the muscles in the lower body. By using lower body equipment in accordance with their objectives and present performance capabilities, athletes can improve themselves. The fitness equipment used in this context can be listed as follows:

What are the Fitness Equipment Used for the Lower Body?
  • Seated Leg Curl Machine: You can use this device for rear leg exercises. Your legs are positioned parallel to the floor after you sit on the seat of the device. When bending your legs backwards, you encounter a force equal to the weight you set. The muscles in the hind legs work if the leg is pushed back against this force.
  • Lying Leg Curl Machine: In this device, you lie face down and lift your back leg by leaning it on the pads of the machine. Again, you can adjust the effect of the counter force you will encounter during the lifting process with the weight you have set. The muscles in the hind legs are activated during the bending movement.
  • Leg Extension Machine: You take a sitting position on the equipment used for upper leg exercises. You work on bringing the vertical position between the lower leg and the upper leg to a parallel position by using the foot weight pads of the machine.
  • Leg Press Machine: This device is used to work the inner legs, outer legs and calves. It is also used for upper leg and hip development.
  • Seated Calf Machine: It is a machine used to work the soleus muscles located under the calf muscles. A comprehensive calf exercise can be performed during seated exercises.
  • Abductor & Adductor Machine: Your legs resist the load when they are open and closed during this exercise, which is also done while sitting. The inner and outer leg muscles are exercised when closing or opening the legs.

What Equipment Should Be in the Gym?

Nowadays, when weight training is popular, a gym should have enough plates and dumbbells. In addition, gyms must have cardio equipment such as treadmills and exercise bikes so that basic cardio exercises can be performed. Specific exercise and training methods with cable equipment and free weights should also be supported. Each type of equipment has different contributions to an athlete.

Motivating exercises can be done with cable equipment, and you can increase muscle endurance with advanced exercise routines. These devices, which also contribute to the gym, are the preferred equipment to optimize floor space and meet wider user needs. Cable crossover and cable row equipment have begun to be included in gyms today within the scope of this equipment.

Cable crossover allows exercises that target the chest muscles by moving the arms from open to closed. It is a device that gives you more development opportunities compared to classic dumble press and bench press exercises. However, exercises must be performed with the correct form and correct weights in order to achieve the targeted efficiency. Cable row is cable equipment used for back and wing exercises. It is another fitness equipment that provides convenience to athletes.

A gym needs to include useful spaces in order to be preferred by professional athletes. Functional areas should be supported with functional equipment. Common functional equipment used by professional athletes can be listed as follows:

  • Suspension training
  • Lop Band
  • Barbell
  • Medicine Ball Rebounder
  • Training Belt Rip
  • Sanctband
  • Rope
  • Speed and Agility Ladder
  • Medicine Ball
  • Kettlebell
  • Stepboard
  • Box
  • Bulgarian bag
  • Core bag
  • Stone Gym Ring
  • Sprint Hurdle
  • Leg Resistance Band
What Equipment Should Be in the Gym?

Wearable Technologies that Can Accompany Athletes While Doing Exercise

There are wearable technologies that can accompany you while doing sports to increase motivation, extend exercise time or do sports in a more controlled manner. You can get extra efficiency from sports that have become a part of your daily life with these technologies:

  • Smartwatches: Smartwatches today are used not just for telling time but also for answering phone calls, controlling music, and reading messages. It is possible to check how many calories you burn during training and how your pulse is progressing thanks to smartwatches. Controlling body temperature will also be an important data for the athlete. It may be easier for you to shape your training with the performance report you receive from your watch[3].
Wearable Technologies that Can Accompany Athletes While Doing Exercise
  • Smart bracelets that act as sports trainers: Smart bracelets are among the most popular wearable technology products. Smart bracelets act as coaches by supporting you during sports. Bracelets that track daily steps, sleep quality, posture, and breathing can be used to evaluate health condition in sports and daily life.
  • Smart shoes: Smart shoes, which are the latest technology products, have Bluetooth systems. It provides parameters that allow you to control running speed, movements and foot comfort via your phone by connecting via Bluetooth. Shoes can also be personalized by adjusting the orthopedic features of the shoe via smart phones.

The equipment you use in your fitness training improves both your athletic ability and the efficiency of your training. You need to work with the right equipment according to the training you will do. You can also use equipment of different classes during sports and support your training with wearable technologies.

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