14 Little-Known Benefits of Exercising

Sports is one of the most significant activities that improves your quality of life with both physical and psychological benefits. Starting an exercise program benefits you in more ways than just weight loss. It offers numerous benefits, especially protection against diseases by preserving the body’s healthy functions. Physical activity is important at all ages. Whether you’re a child or an adult, when done correctly, exercise improves your mental health, sleep patterns, and much more. You can take a look at the details to find out why you should exercise regularly, with both its physical and psychological benefits.

29 Temmuz 2024 8 min.
14 Little-Known Benefits of Exercising

Why Should We Exercise?

Exercising is an experience that transforms both the body and the mind. Regular exercising can support your health and improve your quality of life by reducing the risk of contracting diseases. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can help you protect against the following risks[1]:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Breast and colon cancer
  • Fall
  • Depression
side effects of not exercising

Regular exercise for children and adolescents has unique benefits such as[2]:

  • It helps improve bone health.
  • It supports cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle structure development.
  • It helps reduce your body fat percentage.
  • It helps you eliminate depression symptoms.
  • It supports cognitive skills and the ability to concentrate.

You can get different benefits for your body, such as improving your endurance, strength, balance or flexibility depending on the type of exercising. However, factors like your age and gender can make the types of sports and exercises you do even more important. Adults are advised to participate in both aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activities for a healthy life.

Exercise for endurance, commonly referred to as aerobic or cardio, has advantages for all individuals. Almost any activity that increases athletes’ heart rate, makes them breathe faster and sweat is considered cardio. Aerobic activities include a wide variety of exercises. Sports in which you can talk during the movements are considered moderate intensity, while those in which you struggle to speak are considered intense. The most popular aerobic activities are walking, running, cycling, swimming, tennis, basketball and hiking.

You should also include strengthening exercises such as push-ups, lifting weights, or using resistance bands into your routine exercise. Muscle strengthening exercises work all major muscle groups such as legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms. Running, which many people consider a cardio activity, also contributes significantly to muscle strengthening. These exercises help maintain bone and muscle mass, which is especially important as you get older.

There are basic standards for how long you should exercise even though everyone’s body is unique. Experts recommend half an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity every day to maintain health and reduce disease risks. You can perform 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week as a minimum. It is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor before starting a moderate to intense exercise program.

Standard exercise routines recommended for adults are for people who are healthy and without special medical conditions.

  • If you have any of the following conditions in physical activity: chest pain,
  • severe dizziness,
  • breathing difficulties during moderate physical activity,
  • high-risk heart disease category,
  • suspected heart disease or
  • pregnancy it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any sports program.
benefits of doing sports

Health Harms of a Sedentary Lifestyle

A life without sufficient physical activity can have a serious negative influence on one’s quality of life. Individuals who do not exercise for at least half an hour on most days of the week are considered to be physically inactive. Inactivity tends to increase with age. Additionally, compared to men, women are more likely to adopt a sedentary lifestyle.

Regardless of age or gender, low physical activity is considered very risky due to its negative effects on various systems of the body. Being inactive can cause serious health problems, especially heart health[3]:

  • Consuming more calories than expended can lead to an energy imbalance, increasing the risk of becoming overweight or obese.
  • It can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and cardiovascular disease factors, including insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.
  • It can cause low bone density and osteoporosis.
  • It can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Despite the serious risks that a sedentary lifestyle brings, it may not always be easy to take the first step and be determined when it comes to starting exercises. At first sight, it could seem like you have a long way to go before you can achieve your goals or shape your physique. On the other hand, doing any physical activity is better than not doing any at all. Even small changes throughout the day, such as taking the stairs or not driving short distances, can make a huge difference. If you are not currently exercising, you can start with small steps and gradually reach your goal.

  • Always seek out methods to get more exercise.
  • Make small additions to your activity plan every day to move more.
  • Try walking or cycling short distances instead of driving.
  • Prefer to get off the train or bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
the relationsip between sports and health

Physical Benefits of Sports

Exercising is a favorite activity for many people around the world, with physical benefits such as helping the body work more efficiently. Sports are important not only to strengthen the body, but also to ensure whole body coordination. Although different types of exercises target different systems of the body, most involve a combination of cardio and endurance exercises. Here are 7 physical benefits of exercising, from weight management to increased life expectancy[4]!

benefits of physical activity

Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight

The most popular method for keeping a healthy body weight is to exercise in order to maintain energy balance. Running and cycling are highly effective for burning calories. As shown in research, staying within the recommended weight range according to age and gender can help reduce the risk of various diseases.

Supports Heart Health

Exercises protect cardiovascular health with very important benefits such as strengthening the heart muscle, controlling blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels. According to multiple studies, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%. There is also a growing body of evidence that just one session per week can help protect your heart.

Reduces the Risk of Getting Cancer

There is strong evidence that being physically active can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Women who frequently exercised had a 12–21% lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who did not exercise, according to a study including over 116,000 women.

mental benefits of exercise

Strengthens Muscles and Bones

Physical activity supports bone development in children and teenagers. In adults, it may help prevent age-related bone and muscle loss. It is common for women to lose bone density and muscle strength during and after menopause. Although osteoporosis is less common in men than women, 1 in 5 men after the age of 50 will experience bone fractures due to weakened bones. Regular exercise strengthens your bones, joints and muscles. Thus, it can protect you against injuries and joint diseases[5].

Improves Life Quality

Exercising can enhance your quality of life by promoting healthy bodily functions. Thirteen different scientific studies provide strong evidence that regular physical activity can extend your lifespan by up to 7 years. According to studies[6], physically active people have a lower mortality rate of 30% to 35% compared to inactive people.

Makes You Energetic

Being physically active increases your energy and can be your most important defense against fatigue. Energy-producing compartments called mitochondria are formed in muscle cells while exercising. The more mitochondria you have, the greater your energy source. As you exercise, your circulation improves. Better circulation means your body can use energy better.

why we should do exercise

Extends Life Span

Sports are not just for young people. On the contrary, older adults who are active have been shown to be healthier and live longer on average. By staying active as you get older, you can strengthen your muscles and bones and reduce age-related risks such as falls and heart disease[7].

Mental Benefits of Sports

Although exercising mostly stands out for its physical benefits, recent studies have found that physical activities can also positively affect your mental health. Here are 7 proven[8] mental benefits of exercising, from boosting your mood to improving your leadership skills!

Improves Mood

Exercising improves mood. You can try physical activities to make yourself feel happy and comfortable. Exercises in the gym or outdoor walks help you feel happier and more energized, triggering brain chemicals[9].

Increases Concentration

Exercising helps you keep your basic mental skills sharp. It improves thinking and analysis skills. Many times, you need to quickly analyze a situation and make a decision or make a move during exercise. Your mental skills improve, you can focus on your work more easily and increase your concentration thanks to exercise.

Reduces Stress and Depression

Being physically active contributes to reducing stress levels and relaxes your body[10]. Moreover, physical activity increases endorphin production. Thus, you will feel more comfortable and happier. Endorphins can also make you feel more relaxed and optimistic after a tough workout on the field.

Promotes Sleep

Exercise allows you to fall asleep faster and prolong deep sleep. Thus, it improves sleep quality. A sound sleep supports both mental functions, and positively affects your mood. You should be careful not to exercise late in the day although exercise promotes sleep. Evening exercises a few hours before bed can make you too energized to sleep.

exercise and sleep

Increases Self-Confidence

Exercising can help boost your self-confidence. When you exercise, you may notice that your endurance and strength increase and you may feel more free. Sports provide you with a sense of dominance and control, which often leads to a sense of pride and self-confidence. With the strength and energy gained from physical activity, you’re likely to be successful not only in tasks outside the playing field but also on the field.

Improves Leadership Skills

Team sports such as football and basketball offer a unique environment for individuals of all ages to reveal their leadership qualities. Working together in training and sharing victory or defeat naturally contributes to making athletes more likely to embrace “team spirit”. Over time, strong leadership abilities can be developed by acting with a spirit of teamwork[11].

Shapes the Future

The physical and mental benefits of exercise are similar for both adults and children. Unlike adults, the unique benefit that sports provide to children is that those who start doing sports at a young age are much more likely to do sports in the future. It is also expressed that participating in team sports improves academic performance.

Figen Yorgancıoğlu Uğur

Figen Yorgancıoğlu Uğur

Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri mezunu olan ve 23 yıldır spor eğitmenliği yapan Figen Yorgancıoğlu Uğur, 16 yıldır Mars Athletic bünyesinde yer alıyor. Uzmanlık alanları arasında Gruop Class Functional Training bulunmakta.

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